Re: physical therapy aide
hi Sheila,am dan, good to read about PT aide from you; i just applied recently, from Canada, BC.for this PT aide program.Still few things are not clear for me?Would this Diploma be recognised in USA...
View ArticleRe: How many pets do you have?
I currently have Fish =) guppies to be exact with 2 rainbow sharks, they get along just fine and two Chinese algae eaters. I have had 1 Chihuahua, 1 mix poodle, 1 Lab, 4 cockatiels, 1 African Gray,...
View ArticleMissing pages
I am trying to do exam 5 on ECE - English Comp II. There are essays missing for the following questions. Number 5,6,8.9,11,14,15.16,17,18,19. Please Help. Thank you
View ArticleRe: Master's of International Business (MBA)
Me, too! I want to start this week! I would appreciate some guidance! Luck to everyone!
View ArticleRe: Waiting on books
Im doing okay. I just did chapter 3 exam- its starting to get a little bit more difficult now! I am getting ready to do exam 4 tonight.... How do I get my next shipment of books/tools? Do I have to...
View ArticleRe: What's the best free antivirus?
Bitdefender was always the best. One time I had a virus and it was the ONLY anti-v to actually detect and dispose of it. I have a mac these days so I dont worry about anti-virus software anymore, so...
View ArticleBooks?
Hey guys! Im getting ready to take the lesson 4 exam... After I take the exam, how do I get my next book/tools? Can someone please help? thanks!!
View ArticleRe: Looking for friends and study partners.
Defientely! How do we study together? I am new to this school~
View Articlelesson 10 HELP WITH QUESTIONS 2
can one some help me with question two in lesson 10 to get the right for this exam question. ETHAN
View ArticleRe: lesson 10 HELP WITH QUESTIONS 2
We can't give you the answer, but the information is on page 120 in your book. under the heading " the importance of criminalistics in investigating.
View ArticleRe: Advice Needed please
I am in the same boat. I have 2 boys, work full time, and try to squeeze in study time. By time I make it to study I am exhausted. When I first started, I would try to study during my breaks at work....
View ArticleHow many coarses do i have left?
Hi Im in the high school program could you tell me how many coarse's I have left?
View ArticleRe: Back ordered- Still waiting
I was just notified by email that A&P book is back ordered. How long have you been waiting?
View ArticleRe: Back ordered- Still waiting
@nschwirian I was just notified today by email that the A&P is back ordered. If you have been waiting since the beginning of June for your books I can just imagine how long our mines going to take....
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