Re: A message from the queen of Bridal Consulting
Thanks for sharing..I just finished my last exam. I plan to shadow a local Wedding planner on the legal aspects of the job though. She is going to retire so she has offered me her place as a venue for...
View ArticleRe: Students: After the completion of Bachelors Degree, are you going to get...
I definitely plan on earning my MBA from here once I finish my BSBA. I plan on using my degree to teach high school business, once I complete my MBA I am looking forward to teaching business at the...
View ArticleRe: Do you have any disorders?
I have always heard that mountain dew helps a person with adhd to calm down when they drink it.
View ArticleRe: Course 1, Lesson 2
The Technology Requirements of online learning are: 1) A Computer2) Microphones and Speakers - (in order to hear audio clips and videos)3) Operating System - (Windows 8 or equivalent)4) Microsoft...
View ArticleRe: Do you have any disorders?
I am claustrophobic. if i am sitting in between two people that are about two times bigger than me then ill start to rock back and forth and start to shake my legs really fast. and start to breath...
View ArticleRe: Will someone be my study partner?
I'd like to be study partners as well. I just enrolled on the 29th though. I hope to be finished with my first two courses by Tuesday, using this holiday weekend to study. Anyone who's interested...
View ArticleRe: Do you have any disorders?
I have OCD and a sleep disorder. The OCD I can work with, although it gets on my family's nerves. I must have everything clean, neat, and in a certain order. It can be prety troublesome when it...
View ArticleRe: Hey I'm a new student and I'm curious; how much time do you usually spend...
It usually takes me three hours to complete a lesson. But I review my notes and reread the information as often as I can. However, I just started and I haven't gotten to the meatier lessons yet....
View ArticleRe: BA - Business Administration
I'm also enrolled in the BA-Business Administration program. I would like to join your
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to take 2 classes at once?
You can put in a request to the help desk to see if they will open another course for you.
View ArticleRe: MBA program
Hello......i have also just started my masters and is in the orientation..........where do i find the orientation video?
View ArticleHow soon before my lessons begin?
I applied/enrolled in the Vet Assistance course yesterday morning, and was told that I could begin learning as early as that evening. I've gone through all of the process, the steps, the orientation....
View Articlethe vet pre-test
Hi guys, new here. The very first pre-test is asking me 50 questions... that I know practically nothing about. Am I supposed to look up the answers somewhere else, and then put them in?I don't want to...
View ArticleRe: Pinciples of Public Speaking Outline
Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you! Do you still need help with your outline?
View ArticleQuestion Re: Public Speaking Outline Assignment 6_06
I submitted my Public Speaking Outline Assignment 6_06 and received no score at all for my submitted paper. This was a re-submit, but there was no explanation or anything this time around. I was just...
View ArticleRe: the vet pre-test
I took it as it is a pre-test. I just went a head and took it. scored 52/100 didn't look like it counted as one of our grades. I think it was just to see what we knew.
View ArticleRe: 92 Ford taurus cranks hard
check fuel pressure at cranking have a mechianic friend find out what normal fuel pressure would be for that vehicle.
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