Re: Terrible Two's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try having a set routine that kinda feels like play to them so they dont feel like it is a chore my son love to clean his room we turn music on and try to ring the toy box like a basket ball hoop try...
View ArticleRe: SpongeBob impairs little kids' thinking, study finds
mine watches what he wants for one hour a day and he is smarter than most above his age group
View ArticleRe: New Student for Medical Office Assistant
Thank you very much for helping me. Would I call Student Services?
View ArticleRe: Error on exam
Of course I said thank you. I was assured that the matter had been corrected. Imagine my suprise to find out that nothing was done.
View ArticleRe: trouble with a class
kat3lyn, Which assignment is it that you help understanding in your Reading and Literature class? Tonia
View ArticleRe: Anyone already finished with Early Childhood Education degree??
I am really confused by your post. I can't really understand what you are trying to say.
View ArticleRe: Anyone already finished with Early Childhood Education degree??
what school do you teach in? what grade do you teach?
View ArticleRe: Medical Office Assisting
I am on Lesson 1 also, but when I go into Student Portal, i don't see "Lessons" on there. How do I submit a lesson? I don't see any of my course on there.
View ArticlePlease open my next class
Could you please open my next class, I'm having trouble with the one I'm on and i would like to go ahead and do others then come back to this one. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleAshworth Iphone App?
I know a few years ago people was saying this question but is there an update on Ashworth having an app?
View ArticleRe: Hello! How many pets do you have? or What's your favorite animal?
Hi I'm Shannon from South Carolina, growing up every home I lived at I had at least two or more pets. My last was two birds, a cat, and a dog. Names were Johva and Chick, Tigga, and Tazz. Now I only...
View ArticleRe: Students: After the completion of Bachelors Degree, are you going to get...
Depends on how I still feel about this school. They already have some negative strikes. Time will tell in reference to them doing the right thing.
View ArticleRe: unsure what is going on
You left out a lot of information for someone to troubleshoot.1 what kind of freon?2 What changes have you made before it would not cool?3 what are the cfm coming from the blower?4 what are the...
View ArticleAssignment 1 of Technology and Society
The assignment says to pick a technology to write about and I was wondering if you picked anything from the book from pages 4 to14 to write about?
View ArticleDo you collect anything? If so, what?
I personally think collecting is a really big part of life and everyone should collect at least something! Do you collect anything? What is it you like to collect? Do you focus on one thing and one...
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