New exam code
I need a new code emailed to my proctor for my semester exam for the section I didn't pass. Thanks
View ArticleQuestion about Principles Of Public Speaking lesson 6
My question is: I am taking Principles of Public Speaking and I am on lesson 6. I need to know for the assignment if the professor wants a rough draft of the paper you will be submitting for assignment...
View ArticleRe: Assignment 04
I suggest you post it in the Student Help Desk discussion if you would like a quick response.
View ArticleExam
Hi, I just signed in to take my 1st exam from chapter 1 and it said NOT AUTHORIZED, TIME OUT!! I don't know what this means. Does it mean that I was dropped from the class? Please let me know because I...
View ArticleNext Lesson Group Shipment Please
I finished Lesson Group 1 for the Bridal Consultant Program. I have taken and passed Lesson 1, Lesson 2, and Lesson 3. Could you please ship out my next lesson group containing Lesson 4: Ceremonies ??...
View ArticlePart 3 textbook??
Is the textbook for part 3 just online or will I receive a printed copy in the mail as well??
View ArticleRe: teachers asisstant career diploma newbie !
Still waiting for my can we get in touch on phone
View ArticleRequesting Next Course For Student Number GA1300270
Good Morning, Please open my next 2 courses as well as ship my books. Thank you, Michael Singer
View ArticleRe: Pinciples of Public Speaking Outline
You are welcome! Happy that I could help! Sometimes when you have worked on something for a long time, it helps to get another perpective or point on view on it to help you see things more clearer....
View ArticleRe: SP 180.0.3 Principles of Public Speaking Assignment 6 help?
Good luck to all. I FINALLY got my 3rd one back. I got an 80 on it. The only notes on it was that I needed to site my sources at the bottom not in with the main subpoints.
View ArticleMacroeconomic Lesson Plan Errors:
I have noticed that when you do multiple study guides in the lesson plans, it gives different answers for the same questions each time. For example if you answered one way, and the study guide said...
View ArticleRe: Started my Criminal Justice
Welcome to the program, after the elective courses are passed it really gets interesting!
View ArticleHave not logged in for a while...
Hello, I haven't logged in for several months and was wondering if I can just continue on with my lessons? When do they expire and what is the rule when the introduction course was not completed?
View ArticleRe: HealthCare Administration students
I'm currently on the public speaking part of it and have no idea what they want me to do as far as submitting a speech. Just doesn't make sense to me. Guess I'll fail this course. Weird. I've always...
View ArticleRe: Hey
kinda stupid qestion but new to this.... im trying to figuer out were i write my test and i cant figure out where to go on here i just wondring if anyone could help methanks
View ArticleMedical Relations to a Patient in General.
Reading my Medical Office Assistant Book. The 1st one of 4, along with my other book. The very first page makes me wonder about certain health conditions....How contradicting I would be "placed" in the...
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