I just finished the first semester and took my exams yesterday. I passed all of them! Thank God! It took me a several months to finish but a lot of that was delay on my part. We moved and my husband came back from deployment and then I had to find a proctor which was a little difficult for me. I'm starting my 2nd semester on 10/1/13 if I get my books in time. The exams were pretty straight forward. I was worred about the time limit but I finished in a little over and hour and half, so it wasnt really anything to be worried about. I think if I had done the classes faster and then done the exam it would have taken even less time but some of the information wasnt as fresh as I would have liked. I did study before but I mostly went over the business communications book because it was the one I was most concerned with. It was the only class I made a B in. I think that testing wise though the HR exam was the hardest. It was very specific and you had to really read the laws to know the answers.