I am now in the Introduction to Accounting class A01.V.9.1. The syllabus for this class states that I should have the following book:
Slater, J. (2013). College Accounting, 12/e (Custom ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions
I was sent the following book for the Introduction to Accounting class A01.V.8.1: (not the class I am to be taking)
Price, J.E., Haddock, M.D., Farina, M. J. (2009) College Accounting, Chapters 1-6 (12th ed.) NY McGraw-Hill
What should I do, this book is usless if it does not line up with the chapters I am studying. I took the first exam not realizing I had the wrong book and received an 80 which I don't like.
Deborah Briglia