(a good website)
Food & Wine headline in the top center says it all
In saying this I mean it will give you an idea of what you can get from this website and what the purpose of the website is. Additionally the menus fold like the menu bar underneath the head line and makes it possible for the user to navigate easily.
On this picture, black fonts with capital letters on white background are easy to read and when you put your computer cursor on one of the menus
then it hightlights red which tells you what you are looking at the link.
Also the large picture in the main page draws peoples' eyes.
While the small image of the magazine at the top right corner tells you they also have magazines.
They only use black and red color for the fonts utilied on this web site. It could make the website look boringwith only these two colors to differentiate but the vivid and high defintion pictures of food provide a visual intrest that could draw the consumers eye and possibly make them stay on the webt site longer. (a bad website)
In this screen catpure you can see that to much of the web design has been left black. The navigation menu in the left column unfortunatly is far too small. I think the menu in this column could benefit from additional spacing between the words to highlight what is to be selected as well as differentiating each item.
The welcome banner headline does not give you enough information about what the purpose of this particular web site is a out. I would put some additional photos of cocker spanels imbedded in the headlines so you can fully understand exactly what this website is advertising.
Additionally the white and orange font color selection on the green background appears rather dull and boring as if presented with little thought for asthetics. In summerary, this website follows a basic navigation and layout system, but it does not provide enough of a description and or the purposes of the website.