Within me lies something deep,
begging and pleading to break free
pushing and pulling me back and forth
hoping for a glimmer of light
to creep in from the other side of the closed door
what is this what is happening to me
i feel unsure unclear i dont feel like me
what is this i feel with in me
I burst out of my shell just as loud as i can be
this is something new this is not me
Ive changed my clothes my hair and my attitude
when people see me they automaticly assume that I am rude
I speak my mind I dont hold my tounge
sorry if i offend you, i only look young
What i felt before was me breaking out of me
my shell is open i am finally free
I was holding myself back afarid to let me be me
now i see the light and i am truley free
what ever i want to do i can and it will be
I am no longer afarid of whats within me because
now i know that I am who i am ment to be and finally
I see whats truley within me.
SG. 10/16/14 LuvlyLady