Hello i have a dilema. in the floral design course that im doing i have to upload pictures of work I did for an assignment. the pictures are taken upright and when i view them on my pc they are upright bt when i submitteed them in an assignment to the instructor i got feed back saying that the pictures are sideways. when i opened the attachment from the ashworth site i saw that the pictures are opening sideways. i resubmitted the assigment and added a note to the instructor informing them that i had no control over the fact that the pictures were loading sideways . the assignment was returned and its like the note was ignored because i got the same feedback for the assignment.
could you please tell me what i can do about this? because i have one more submission and the instructor seems to be ignoring the fact that i cant do anything about the pictures coming up side ways from ashworth's page. ps. there is nothing wrong with the picture apart from it being sideways.