Hello, My Name is Alexis. I was having trouble with one of my Computer Programming II Assignments and I posted a question about the assignment yesterday. (Lesson 5 Assignment) So far, I figured out the coding and I got the text editor to function properly. However, I have a few concerns. I purchased Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (Windows 7 Version). I have prior programming experience, with the codes I'm accustomed to using. However, I noticed that some of the codes in the textbook do not work properly with the software I have. Does it matter which method of coding I use? I have all the assignment's requirements. I was just wondering, I don't want to lose credit for my assignment.
Here are the instructions to the assignment:
Complete the following programming exercise (SIMPLE TEXT EDITOR WITH ONE LARGE RICH TEXT BOX). You will use the OpenFileDialog, StreamReader and StreamWriter objects; the Close, Peek, ReadLine, ShowDialog and WriteLine methods.
Create a simple text editor that has one large rich text box (with its Multiline property set to true). Set the text control to fill the form and set its Anchor property to all four edges so that the control fills the form even when it is resized.
Allow the user to save the contents of the text box in a data file and load a data file into the text box using the Open File dialog box.
Use a StreamWriter and StreamReader or File.WriteAllText and File. ReadAllText.