From the time that I began here at JMHS I have been slowly finding everything that I am in need of, however, I thought that it may be of interest to others to find things a little easier than I have. Therefore, I thought I would write a discussion about where to find everything that we need - well that I have found so far, and allow other more experienced students the chance to add to as they see fit, so that other students will be able to navigate with ease, upon entering JMHS!
First- You need to go to the VERY Top of the page where that you will see "Welcome" there you will see "My Stuff" History", ETC. This is where that you will be able to find the most interesting information for everything other than Courses here at JMHS.
If you were like me and my mom, when we were going through the admissions process the lady that was assisting us stated about the "Student Help and/or Study Hall" Now many of you are thinking of the traditional "Study Hall", but this is a very non- traditional study Hall. Here you will find helpful videos, discussions, and much more. The part I that I found hard was "Finding Study Hall". So I thought that I would l leave some directions for the next person.
To get to Study Hall
First you go to: "your PROFILE"
You can access your profile by simply clicking your Name beside welcome at the top!
Once at your profile go to the tab beside profile called "STUFF"
On the right of the page even with the sections mentioned above Will be a list! Similar to the one pasted below!
Click Spaces- Then you will see-
Spaces you are following - or find spaces to follow. There you will find Join Spaces... If you do not see any of these look at the top to Browse- and there go to Spaces, and you can choose the spaces that you want to go.
REmember to access Lessons, Grades, and things of these nature you just go to the Sudent Portal at the TOP of the page! I hope this helps others.
Everyone Please, post Helpful Hints to other, so they may find useful information that they are seeking here.