I would like to inform everyone that I have graduated with an Associates Degree in Human Resources Management. After two years of hard work, dedication, sacrifices and prayer I will be gracing the stage at our next graduation. No matter how successful you may think you are, its good to expand your knowledge by acquring a quality and accredited education.
I am 22 years old, and I have a great paying job working for the U.S Marshalls as an Administrative Clerk. However, that was not enough for me! I pushed myself, and gained the motivation to further my education. Often times, I would reget not going to college directly after High School but I should serve as a example to many young people signifying thats it is NEVER too late! It is better late than never and I am thankful that I finally value education.
Ultimately, Ashworth has empowerd and equipped me for a career in my degree area. Just recently, I have been involved in two phone interviews and one in-person interview as a canidate for a postion in Human Resources with two major companies.
My education will not stop here at Ashworth. Within this month, I will be transferring to Strayer University or Western Governors to complete my bachelors degree. Also, I will be taking my PHR Certifcation for Human Resources within the next 6 months. I solicit your prayers as I journey into a walk of education! :-)
Thank you Ashworth, and I look forward to seeing everyone at graduation! :-)
Wishing you the best in your studies,
Kenus Lee