in the student handbook it states that any assignment failed that is redone will recived a 60 its on page 48 this is what it states
Exam/Assignment Retake Policy
Students who do not receive a passing grade on lesson exams or assignments must
resubmit the exams or redo the assignments in order to obtain a passing grade. Regardless
of the actual passing grade on the retake, students will automatically receive the minimum
passing score of 60 percent.
For semester exams, the minimum passing score is 70 percent. Students who do not pass
all sections of the exam may retake the failed section(s) once. For each course/section
failed on the first attempt, students will be allowed 36 minutes on the retake attempt. All
semester exam retakes must be completed within 90 days of the date of the original
semester exam.
I failed a written assignment once when I resubmitted it. the teacher returned it with the grade I would have recieve if it was a first submission. But in the the student portal under grades it will say 60.