I'm new to this program (3 days ago) and am still waiting for the textbooks so I've been doing the same steps you referenced in your post. I highly recommend to all 'newbies' they follow what you listed as it's been very helpful for me.
I figured I was pretty up on all computer 'stuff'( ) so I wasn't going to need to practice navigating or check out any of the links, etc., etc.. However, since I was waiting for my books, I clicked on everything and am so glad I did! I am currently re-reading 'Learning at Ashford' and the 'Student Handbook' as they are very lengthy and I didn't catch everything the first time through.
I'm also finding the 'Learning at...' handbook is either not updated or does not pertain to diploma courses because the links referenced, I do not have (i.e. My Communications, My Tools......?). I also started the assessment 'Learning at Ashford' and found a few questions that I'm sure were not referenced in anything I've read so far. A few of these differences have me nervous and am wondering if you or anyone else has noticed any discrepancies with regard to reading materials being a little 'off'?
Otherwise, I wanted to reach out and welcome all newbies, congratulate those almost done, and request new friends in order to provide support and an ear to assist each other in completing this course to the best of our abilities!